How to cover wallpaper without removing old wallpaper?

Feeling like a change of wallpaper but do not want the hassle of removing the old wallpaper. On the other hand, simply the walls may not be in good condition to be removing the old wallpaper. Either way, the solution here would be to cover the old wallpaper without removing it. You simply need the proper guidance and tools to get the job done without a glitch.


Here is what you need to know:

First, you need to pick a new wallpaper, that is where Mirosa comes in! Choose from a wide range of trendy wallpapers to your liking. Try the stick and peel wallpapers, which saves you a lot time of having to add glue during the application, and can be re-used when removed carefully.

Before making your wallpaper purchase, make sure to test the new wallpaper by getting a small sample and applying it onto the old wallpaper, to see if the old wallpaper’s colors of pattern steeps or passes through. You can get your hands on a sample at Mirosa for $6 a piece. We do not want that! By doing so, you can see whether the finish is what you wanted.

However, if it does steeps or passes through, there is no need to panic! You can always apply a paper paste to conceal the old wallpaper. This process definitely saves a lot money and worry.

Moving onto the application process, a step-by-step application process is thoroughly outlined in the ‘How to install wallpaper’ blog post.
When the outlined process is followed through, you should arrive at your desired wallpaper finish.